Saturday, September 19, 2009


As it is the month of birthdays around here, we update the kids pictures. All of the kids were little punks, and we had to bribe them silly to get these smiles. The poor photographer. She must have been so exhausted by the time we were done. But I like how they turned out. We have all the kids pictures on one wall, and in those frames I have each years picture behind the present year. I love updating their pictures cuz I get to go through from their newborn picture, and each subsequent year and watch my kids grow right before my eyes. Its fascinating to me how my kids grow and change each year, but I dont usually notice the changes until I see how different they were the year before.


BlairsTown said...

Super cute kids you have there! I laughed & laughed & laughed when I read about the fire alarm. It's always funny when it's not your own. Hawaii looked fabulous! Sounds like you guys are doing great and your kids are keeping you on your toes. Miss ya!


The pics are adorable! You and Daniel make some pretty cut kids!

Stacie Robinson said...

Cute pictures! I love getting pictures taken.

Cook Zoo said...

Man, you never would've guessed they were giving you a hard time. Their pictures look great! And don't worry about the photographer - she got paid for it afterall. ;)

Tina said...

Someone had a hard time getting those pictures?

It just looks like you breezed in, and had some pictures of your perfect children snapped.....