Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So good news. I didnt die. But it sure feels like I have been through heck. Surgery is not fun. In my naive little mind I figured this would be a walk in the park; get knocked out, sliced open, and super glued back up, followed by a little groggy discomfort, but that I would be up and about the next day. Yeah, thats not really the case. I feel like I was hit by a bus. I dont recall anything after I talked to the anesthesiologist. I dont know how I got home or up in bed. I only know that I was puking my guts out that night. Yesterday I could barely move. Anytime one of the kids came to give me a hug my body was screaming in agony. So not fun. Today the pain is less severe. I can actually breathe without every bone and muscle in excruciating pain. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be as good as new.
So the morning of my surgery I was telling the kids that Daddy would be taking care of them that night and that they needed to be his big helpers and yada yada. Their curious minds had a zillion questions for me. Tyler wanted to know if I was gonna die. Then he wanted to know if it was gonna hurt. He also wanted to know how they would get my guts back inside after they cut me open. Kylie was worried about the fact I would be on drugs. After all we dont do drugs. She also wanted to know if they would be able to see my skeleton. And then was worried about me bleeding to death. After the kids were reassured, Ty just had one last concern; he wanted to make sure daddy would play lego star wars with him that afternoon. Such a major concern, dont you think?
So now that this little ordeal is done, I need to express my deepest thanks for the many offers of help and support, for the well wishes, and the prayers. I am so thankful for such amazing friends and loved ones! You're all the best!


Deb said...

Well I am SO glad you didn't die, but I am sorry you are feeling so terrible. Make sure you TAKE IT EASY!!!! For a while. Don't try to get back to your usual super woman self just yet. K?

Megan said...

Oh, I so know how surgery goes! We all think the recovery will be better than it actually turn our to be.
Take it easy and don't try to be a hero :). Nothing worse than having to fix what they just fixed!
Take good care.

Sabra said...

Take some advice from a girl who has had several "gut" surgeries...The first day you feel better and think you can take on normal activities, just stop and make yourself rest one more day. You won't regret it if you do. Trust me. I don't often give advice, so heed when I do!!!


I am glad to see that you are doing well... or at least still ticking! Milk it for all its worth!

Brenda said...

Hi Kimmy!

You poor girl! Hang in there!
You're in my thoughts today.
I love how they say take it easy when you have litle ones at home.
I can help you, just let me know.
Take Care,

Cook Zoo said...

I'm so sorry!!!! That does NOT sound like fun at all. I'm glad there are others telling you to go slow and take it easy. Amen to that. The world won't come to an end if you add a couple of days to your anticipated "back to normal" date (tomorrow??? are you crazy???). Take care of yourself. Your honey and your kids will be just fine and they'll all appreciate you more when it's over. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, how awful, I am glad you survived the surgery, your kiddos questions about killed me. They are so funny. Hope you are continuing to improve, be sure and take it easy girl! Oh, I just went to type in the encrypted word and this is what it said, "restie" I think your comment page is trying to tell ya something, get some rest and give yourslef time to recoop~

BlairsTown said...

Oh yucky!! Glad you didn't die and can still blog. What a pain, but a great story to tell. Hope you recover quickly.

Tina said...

Leave it to you, Kimmy, to take a tough thing and make a lighthearted post about it. It takes talent to write something that shares your pain, and your wit so well.